Today, being a vegan is a mainstream and most people accept it as something normal. Of course, veganism – that's not eating or using any products that come from animals – may be more than a fad. It could be a lifestyle that improves our health and the planet. But it depends on a person because some of us can`t imagine ourselves without eating dairy products or meat.
According to some surveys, there are now around 3.5 million full-time vegans in the UK and the number is growing. Advocates of veganism say their healthy lifestyle would also free up space and resources for growing food and it would help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Dr Jutta Tobias Mortlock says that the whole debate about veganism we are basing our views on beliefs. Our beliefs are based on our values. And when we argue over the rights and wrongs of veganism, we base it on our values – not hard facts. We talk about our view on what is immoral. But basically, there is no right or wrong answer.
Doctor also says that if she is working with you and she is trying to get you to come round to her side, she might not focus on the central facts. She might focus on the peripheral stuff around how she is constructing her argument. She'd look for ways of what do people, who arguing, have in common. And that's a way to debate an issue such as this controversial one in a way to get people to feel connected to each other and to actually feel that they value each other as decent human beings.
So, people should respect one another and everyone`s opinion.