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Фото автора: Diana OhurtsovaDiana Ohurtsova

New words

  • devote - присвятити

  • tribute - данина

  • lighthearted - безтурботний

  • down-right awesome |ˈɔːs(ə)m| - абсолютно дивовижний

  • excuse - причина

  • existence |ɪɡˈzɪst(ə)ns| - існування

  • sight-impaired - зі слабким зором

  • capacity - здатність

  • attendees - присутні

  • duration - тривалість

  • sufficient |səˈfɪʃ(ə)nt| - достатньо

  • tape - стрічка, запис

  • aid - допомагати

Tue Jun 8th, 2021

Best Friends Day

History of Best Friends Day

Friends can be celebrated on any day of the year, but what better day than Best Friends Day? Way back in 1935, the US congress decided to devote one day to pay tribute to close-knit friendships. It’s lighthearted, super fun, and down-right awesome day that should continue to be recognized and celebrated.

You might be thinking, “I don’t need a special day to show my bestie how much I love them!” Well, why not? It’s the perfect excuse to get together, enjoy your favorite activity and appreciate them even more than you normally would. Weird as it may be, Best Friends Day is definitely one to be celebrated loud and proud!

June, 2021

Audiobook Month

History of Audiobook Month

Almost from the moment that a method of recording the human voice became available, audiobooks have been in existence. When Thomas Edison first invented the phonograph, Phonographic Books were one of the ideas that he had in mind for those who were sight-impaired. Even his first words spoke of this vision, with “Mary had a little lamb” being the first words he spoke into a phonograph. A year later he demonstrated the capacity of the phonograph at the Royal Institution in Britain, where a recorded verse of Tennyson’s poetry was played back for the attendees.

Unfortunately, his original vision wasn’t to be, as the original cylinders used with the phonograph only held about 4 minutes of audio, and even when they switched to the flat platters the duration was only 12 minutes, hardly sufficient for the recording of long chapter books. While the 60-minute cassette developed in the 70’s helped the situation, it wasn’t until the invention of the CD that Audiobooks really came into their own. Audiobook Month celebrates these wonderful tales on tape and the millions of people they aid every year.

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